National Cardiac Rehabilitation Quality Indicators

The service level data collection of quality indicators contributes to regular monitoring and reporting of the quality and delivery of cardiac rehabilitation across Australia. The 10 quality indicators for cardiac rehabilitation support healthcare providers to:

  • Identify barriers and enablers to increase referral
  • Improve delivery processes
  • Improve patient outcomes
  • Inform best practice and alternative models of care

To find out what data your program should be collecting, see the National Cardiac Rehabilitation Quality Indicators data dictionary and data collection spreadsheet.  

On 18th June 2021, the National Cardiac Rehabilitation Measurement Task Force held its virtual launch for quality indicators via Zoom to celebrate this important milestone. More than 120 people nationally attended the event, key presenters include: A/Prof Carolyn Astley (Flinders University), A/Prof Robyn Gallagher (University of Sydney), Ms Tess Hawkins, Prof. Julie Redfern (University of Sydney), Ms Cate Ferry (Heart Foundation). 

If you missed the event, please click here to access the recording (Passcode:rjAp%pU5) 

Learn more about National Cardiac Rehabilitation Quality Indicators at Heart Foundation and ACRA