Consumer Engagement
We are committed to enhancing our partnerships with consumers, carers, and families, and pursuing our responsibility to improve the experience of Australian cardiac rehabilitation.
At SOLVE-CHD, we are absolutely thrilled to have health consumers from diverse backgrounds involved in our research from the very early stage. Their contribution is essential to our research program.
Read Our Consumer Stories
We interviewed nurse consultant Gemma Wilson about the CATCH program. CATCH is a body of work dedicated to providing cardiac rehabilitation services across SA.
Darren found out he had coronary heart disease at young age of 36. Cardiac rehabilitation really helped his journey along with, the emotional support provided by the ‘Supporting Young Hearts’ program led by the Heart Foundation.
As migrants from China with limited English proficiency, Sue and Maolin talk about their experience after been diagnosed with coronary heart disease in Australia, the difficulties they have experienced and what gaps need to be addressed to support other migrant groups.
Keith’s interest in research started when he attended his cardiac rehabilitation sessions in hospital. He enjoyed the activities and the sense of community. He wanted to give back and make sure that the voice of patients was heard by clinicians and researchers.
We would like to say a big ‘THANK YOU’ to all our consumers, for sharing your stories, and for your kindness to the community as a whole!
♥️ Together, we can achieve cardiovascular health for everyone! ♥️