The National Heart Foundation Strategic Grant 2020
Assisted self-management to prevent new life-threatening events for all in need after a heart attack (SPAN)

This study will establish the value of moving to a
personalised, focused approach of preventing new attacks compared to routine care after a heart attack. It allows survivors to identify the key aspects to
reducing their risk, the approach taken, goals set and maintaining engagement with health professionals in the three months after leaving hospital. The benefits of a personalised approach lay in both the potential for improved management of risk factors for an individual together with greater uptake and completion of the intervention across the entire population at risk.
For each additional person completing personalised care it will translate to the reduction of up to 1 death and/or heart attack/stroke per improved risk factor. The study will clarify the optimal method of providing care post heart attack, inform international clinical practice, guidelines, policy and improve the outcome of heart attack survivors everywhere.
The Team
CIA: Professor Tom Briffa, UWA, Head of Cardiovascular Research Group and Centre for Health Services Research
CIB: Professor Julie Redfern, USYD, Professor of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health
CIC: Professor Derek Chew, Commission for Excellence and Innovation in Health, SA & Flinders University
CID: Professor John Atherton, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
CIE: Professor Graham Hillis, Royal Perth Hospital & University of Western Australia
CIF: Professor Stephen Nicholls, Monash Health & Monash University
CIG: Professor David Brieger, Concord Hospital, Sydney & USYD
CIH: Dr James Rankin, Fiona Stanley Hospital (clinical and interventional cardiologist)
CII: Associate Professor Andrew Maiorana, Fiona Stanley Hospital & Curtin University
CIJ: Dr Charley Budgeon, UWA
If you are interested in finding out more about this project please contact
Prof Tom Briffa via
or email